
Expert Tree Assessments

Trust our certified arborists to provide accurate and comprehensive tree assessments.

Danger Tree Assessments for Safety and Property Integrity

Our professional arborists conduct thorough Danger Tree Assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks to ensure the safety of your property and loved ones.

Why Choose Us?

Expert arborists with extensive knowledge and experience in assessing danger trees.

Our Process

Thorough inspection and identification of potentially hazardous trees.


Protect Your Property with Firesmart Assessments

Our professional arborists conduct thorough Firesmart Assessments to identify potential wildfire risks on your property. By assessing the surrounding vegetation, tree health, and fire fuel sources, we provide you with detailed recommendations to help you safeguard your property against wildfires.

Identify wildfire risks on your property

Receive detailed reports and recommendations

Safeguard your property against wildfires


Find answers to common questions about tree assessments and reports.

What is a Danger Tree Assessment?

A Danger Tree Assessment is a thorough evaluation of a tree's health and stability to determine if it poses a risk to people or property. Our arborists assess factors such as disease, decay, structural integrity, and proximity to structures or high-traffic areas.

What is a Firesmart Assessment?

A Firesmart Assessment evaluates the fire risk associated with trees and vegetation around your property. Our experts assess factors such as tree density, proximity to structures, and potential fuel sources to develop a plan for reducing fire hazards.

Still have questions?

If you have any more questions about our tree assessment services, please feel free to contact us. Our team will be happy to assist you.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.

Expert Arborists Providing Quality Tree Services

At Bowen Island Tree Service, we are dedicated to providing exceptional tree removal, hedging, and view improvement services for the Bowen Island community.